After the government announcement for the lifting of restrictions on the 19th July 2021, we have liaised with England Golf & UK Active for further clarification on what changes will be made to our facilities and services. We know that health and wellbeing is a very personal choice, and whilst we are pleased to be introducing less restrictive activities, rest assured our priority remains the welfare of both our customers and our staff.
Book a tee time
All tee times must be pre-booked and paid for online. We know that everyone is excited to get back to playing golf, however, please do take the time to read the guidance fully shown below before booking.

- Social distancing is no longer required – which means that there are no more restrictions about when you arrive at the course, in the car park, or around the facility, but where you can continue to have some physical distancing please do.
- Face masks are still actively encouraged when coming inside/checking in on arrival at the golf, but no longer compulsory.
- The reception check-in will continue to stay in the foyer area for now
- Lockers will be available to use for hirers
- Hire of all equipment will be back in place, with all equipment sanitized after every use
- We still recommend pre-booking all activities online to guarantee your space, but from the 19th July you can simply turn up and pay by card, if space is available.
We are delighted to have you back and want you to enjoy your game. Whilst the course has had its enforced closure we are aware the local community have accessed the course and some may continue to do so once we are open. We do not want you to get into any confrontation so please inform any member of our team who can speak to any none golfers who are not acting in an appropriate way.
Social distancing is no longer required, but where you can continue to have some physical distancing please do.
Flags and cups will return to the normal conditions
Rakes will be supplied for each group to rake out footmarks in bunkers
Flags will return to the putting greens with no restrictions

- Social distancing is no longer required, but where you can continue to have some physical distancing please do.
- Baskets of balls will still be ready for you on arrival
- Sanitising stations will still be in use in the bays
Members Book a tee time:
Members’ names are registered on the system – you will need your membership number to register. You can book up to 5 days in advance for all available tee times. No credit card is required.
Visitors Book a tee time:
Starting from Saturday 23rd May 7.15am, book up to 5 days in advance for all available tee times using your credit or debit card.
Using the golf course for physical activity?
We are glad the local community has enjoyed using the golf course for physical activity during the closure and we have taken this into consideration to help you keep active.
Take a look at our map which features our picturesque golf course & driving range. You'll also see 5 acres of beautiful open green space, the Walled Garden & Old Hall for our community to enjoy.